Sunday, January 7, 2007

FAQ and answers

FAQ and answers

It is easy enough to be pleasant
When Life flows along like a song
But the man worthwhile Is the man who can smile
when everything goes dead wrong.

All of us belong to one religion or other. Our religions tell us of God and his attributes, that he is all loving, all merciful, all powerful, present everywhere, Knows everything, self born and everliving, has no beginning nor end and is worthy of reverence and worship.

"River crossed God forgotten" is an adage. When we are in trouble we think of God and seek his help and protection. At one time or other, all of us, young or old, rich or poor, strong or weak, begin to wonder what life is, its purpose and driving force. Who or what is God and where does he exist. And many related questions. The following are some of the questions I have asked myself and heard my friends ask. The answers are the result of my pondering over them.

Question:- What or who is God?
Answer:- Primordial Energy personified.

Question:- Has any one seen God?
Answer:-Energy cannot be seen but only experienced. All we see are manifestations of God including ones self. Please see 'in quest of GOD'.

Question:- If all religions are about man's relation to God and the way of life and God is one as all religious leaders say, why these quarrels and bloodshed in the name of religion/God?Answer:- Different religions are the result of seers' and thinkers' efforts in realising God, over different times and places of the world. When those who were able to realise God and the truth about life, they evolved and formulated principles of life for the welfare of the people of their times and regions. As the seven blind men and the elephant, they held their view point was right and others' were wrong. They had to establish their supremacy. For this they needed power. ePower comes from following. Larger the following, greater the Power. Each of them preached that only through their GOD and following the religious precepts ordained by their God could one attain salvation. They used their followers to spread this by any means and enlarge the following and so their power. Some took to preaching, some to helping the poor to win them over, and some brute force to convert them to their religion. It is the same in economics, politics, and in fields in which there is no clear cut path. Ignorant and Innocent followers are exploited. Conflict of interest leads to quarrels. Quarrels lead to fight and war and bloodshed and the innocent followers are the sufferers in the end

Question:- What is life?
Answer:- Life is Force, an of aspect of Energy. (Henceforth, for simplicity, We will refer to Primordial Energy as God) At conception Life enters the embrio resulting from the union of Male and Female. From then on the life force is bound to the individual. It is the Spirit or Soul of the individual-(Athman) and directs the individuals life. Through the sense organs it interacts with and experiences the outside world. The knowledge thus gained by the individual during his life span adds to the Universal knowledge. Pursuit of knowledge is the object of Life

Question:- If life is a force (a form of energy), as heat, light, sound, electricity and magnetism, gravity etc why the male and female?
Answer:-By nature Energy constantly changes. When it divides it results in the opposites. electrons and protons (positive and negative charges) matter and anti-matter, gravity and anti-gravity, galaxies and black holes, light and darkness, male and female, love and hatred and so on. When the opposites merge or unite energy is released. When likes merge or unite, energy is absorbed. In the presence of Higgs field matter is formed.

Question:- What is LOVE?
Answer:-Love, like life, is a force (another aspect of GOD). In its universal form Love enables oneself to identify with all life, to sympathise with the suffering and extend help. You can think of it as the link between all life. In its carnal form Love attracts the opposite sex for procreation.

Question:- What is Mind?
Answer:-Earlier I mentioned the Soul(Athamn) associated with the body is what controls and directs the individual's life. Mind is the link between the Soul and the body. If we visualise the individual as an highly evolved organisation, Soul is the Director, Mind is the resident director and brain the CEO. Soul and Mind are non-matter but Brain is Matter

Question:- How does non-matter affect matter?
Answer:- Matter and non-matter are but different aspects of the same. Energy changes into matter and matter transforms into energy and the relationship has been defined by Einstein as E=M/C x CL. In computer paralance you could compare CPU to brain, software to Mind and the operator to Soul.

Question:- Why is life a struggle?
Answer:-For sustenance of the body life has basic needs like food and shelter. As long as these are easily available there is no problem. Life goes along like a song. When one has to work and work hard to get them and if there is scarcity, one has to fight for his share. This is accentuated if one wants what the other has and the other does not want to share/give. One can minimise the struggle by simple living and high thinking.

Question:- What is happiness?
Answer:-Happiness is a state of mind resulting from fulfillment of needs and wants. It could be candy for a child, Kashmir for Pakisthan or Jerusalem for Palestenians. Contentment is the key for happiness. Tolerance, accommodation, give and take, live and let live are ways of finding happiness

Question:- Can man have peace of mind?
Answer:- Yes. One has to cultivate it by simple living and high thinking. Reducing wants and doing his duty without concern for the results and accepting what comes in the way of life.

Question:- What is death and why are we afraid of it?
Answer:- Death is nothing but deep sleep from which one never wakes up. Some understanding of the nature of sleep will help better understanding of the following. The body needs rest for effective functioning. Sleep is the process through which all parts of the body gradually cease functioning and rest to restore their energy as the battery cells not used for some time build up their charge. For a full recovery an adult needs 8 to 10 hours of sleep. The sleep period is in three parts. In the first, the individual relaxes, dozes, dreams and gradually slips into the second part. This lasts about three to four hours. The second part, Deep sleep, spreads over 2 to 3 hours during which even the brain shuts itself and the mind doses. The only one awake is the Soul which needs no sleep. This state is akin to death as mind, the link between body and soul, is also nonfunctional. When the Soul is satisfied that the body is rejuvenated, it wakes up the mind which in turn, turns on the brain and the body system. The individual gradually returns to a state of awareness i.e wakes up. During this period which spreads over two to three hours the individual dreams, as in the first state. Thus when we live, we die every day during deep sleep and wake up, because the Soul wakes it up finding the body rejuvenated and useful. When it finds the body no longer useful it leaves the body and the sleeper never wakes up. Ignorance of Self is the sole cause for the fear of death. Death is nothing but going to sleep and never waking up. One falsely identifies himself with the body and is afraid of losing the body at death. One is not the body but the SOUL imprisoned within it. Soul has no beginning nor end and is ever lasting. Death is the liberation of the Self/Soul from its bondage to this body. The stronger the realisation of this truth the lesser the fear of death. The more one ponders over this truth, the more he realises the Self and the less his fear of death. As we age, the process of aging and the attendant suffering makes death more acceptable and less fearsome. Some even invite death. Knowledge of self helps in passing through this phase cheerfully.

Question:- What is after death?
Answer:-The same as before birth. Birth and death are the beginning and end of a phase of life. At birth Life entered the embryo as the Soul of the individual. After some time when the body id no longer useful the Soul leaves the body and becomes Life/Energy/God. We have all seen the children blowing soap bubbles and enjoyed the bubbles of varying sizes and hues floating merrily around and busting. What is a soap bubble? Air trapped within a film of soap. What happens when the bubble bursts? Soap film disintegrates and the air that was trapped within the bubble merges with the surrounding air. As long as there was the bubble the air within it was distinct from the air around. When the soap film cracks the air within becomes one with the air around. This analogy should enable an appreciation of Birth, Life and Death. With this appreciation the knowledge that one comes from God and goes to God dawns on him, when one no longer fears Death.

Question:- Yes with knowledge of self one may not fear death but what of the suffering and pain?
Answer:- Pain belongs to the body and suffering to mind. None affects the Soul. One feels the pain as long as the brain receives the signals from the center of pain and the mind interprets the signals received. one can bear the pain if one can shut the mind from recognising the signals received by the brain. Anesthetics do this by arresting the signals on their way to the Brain. Mind is not aware of the pain. Another way is by keeping the mental process occupied fully on something different. Call it meditation, diversion or Bhakthi. It is possible not to feel the pain. I have seen simple people undergoing major operations without anesthesia.

Question:- What is intelligence?
Answer:- Intelligence is the ability of the mind to analyse the information (data), stored in the brain, pertaining to the situation, ascertain how these influenced similar situations in the past, study pros and cons of past methods/answers and select/evolve the right method/answer.

Question:- What is thinking?
Answer:- Thinking is a mental process of interpreting the activity in the brain on the basis of experience. Brain is always active (in a state of flux) save in deep sleep, and so is thinking.

Question:- What is knowledge:-
Answer:- We learn mostly from the experiences of others. It remains 'learning' until we experience what we learnt Then it becomes knowledge. Knowledge is the sum total of ones experiences.

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