Sunday, January 7, 2007

Boyish Pranks

Boyish Pranks

I was 5/6 years old. We were in a rented house in Kondala Iyer Street, George Town, Madras. I was admitted in the Corporation School nearby, where my distant meternal uncle was teaching English and Maths. His house was on the way to the school. I leave my tiffin box in their house and go there in the interval to eat.
During the interval children used to gather in groups in the school compound and play. Adjuscent to the school was a Trunk Factory with corrugated roof. Children throw stones on the roof and enjoy the rattling sound as the stones roll down the roof. One day I joined the group and thew stones on the roof with others. A few seconds after they all ran and two hefty men cought hold of me, took me to the Factory and stood me before the manager. The manager asked me if I threw stones over the roof. I admitted having thown along with the other boys and it was fun. The Manager said "Have some more fun" and ordered the men to shut me up in an almirah. The men took me to the back of the factory and pushed me into an almirah and closed the doors.
It was pitch dark. I could see nothing and hear nothing. It was all still. I began wondering what will happen. Will I ever be let out? How will my teachers and members of the family know where I am? Will the Manager remember that he had me shut up in the almirah and remember to release me in the evening? What will happen if he forgets? Is that my end? And so on. I sat down resigned to my fate and thinking of my parents, brothers and sisters. I had no idea how long I was like this. It looked like Eternity.
All of sudden there was clank and the almirah door opened. I saw the Head master. The Manager was behind him. I burst into tears. The head master held my hands and took me to the school. After consoling me he advised me not to engage in such pranks. I was back in school in ten minutes. The boys had reported the matter to the head Master who took promt action. I thanked the boys and my stars.

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