Wednesday, January 10, 2007



Aging is an electro-chemical process that is universal to all
creations, Some age slowly and some fast. Kingdoms,
empires, companies, corporate giants,temples, buildings,
societies, organisations, beasts, fish, birds,reptiles, insects
trees, vegetation and, as we know, human beings, age and

All creation is made up of the five elements viz. Earth,
Water, Air, Fire and Space,all manifestations of Energy (God).
Since all creation have a beginning, they should have an end.
From the beginning the process of aging starts.

All creation is made of microscopic electro-chemical-bio cells,
(like our battery cells) millions and billions in number. They
discharge during work and get charged during rest. So every
living being needs to rest after work to rejuvenate their body
cells ( the reason for sleeping ). Even trees, rivers and entire
nature sleep.

Work and rest are cycles of life controlled and regulated by
Mind through its agents, brain and nervous system and
sustained by the primary systems, the respiratory,
circulatory, digestive and the sensory. The whole process
is supervised by the life force (Athman) within.

The body cells work when awake discharging gradually
until no sufficient charge to continue work is left
( feeling tiered) and need rest (sleep) to recharge
themselves. This is the process of work and rest. Every time
you sleep and wake up you are different.
(This is akin to death and birth. The difference, in daily birth
and death you remember the past. In real death you do not
remember the past) The change is too small to be noticed
everyday but over years you begin to see the difference.
you look different from your childhood photos.

Body cells have different functions to carry out for which
they need energy. Food, water and air taken in are
converted into energy and supplied to the body cells
to discharge their functions. Millions of operations are involved
and they should be done well for the cells to function properly.
Because of the large number of operations involved the
probability of something going wrong somewhere
is high. And things do go wrong and cells die young.
Cells have their life-span.When they die, new cells are born.

When something goes wrong, normal health is affected
resulting in ill-health and disease of different parts of the body
which decay in due course. Diseases are also caused by
outside organisms (bacteria and viruses) that invade the
body, Thus afflicted, as years roll by, the body gradually
becomes weaker and weaker until it is no longer able to
function normally. This process of growing, being
afflicted with diseases, becoming weak and unable
to function normally is AGING. This takes place over
the life-span of the individual.

From the beginning of mankind, man being afraid of death,
tried and developed a number of ways to ward off aging
that results in death. Many systems were practiced chief
among them, Ayurveda, Sidhha, Unani, Homeopathy,
Alopathy, Surgery, and Organ transplant. Machines that
do the work of vital organs viz Heart, Lungs, Kidneys etc.
were invented and used to prolong life. Even which-craft
had its place. Each has its crytics and following. In spite
of all his efforts and research and development man is
yet to succeed in arresting aging and the inevitable death.
It is doubtful if ever he will.

Medical science has however done a great deal of
service to mankind in alleviating the suffering of young
and old. Also it has slowed down aging, resulting in greater
longevity these days. But prolonging life with life-supporting
machines is foolish, as the individual can never function

It is therefore wise to accept with grace the inevitable
process of aging and death, it being the law of nature
that what has a beginning must have an end too.

Knowing this truth, those who prepare to meet
their end, die peacefully.

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