Wednesday, January 10, 2007



Aging is an electro-chemical process that is universal to all
creations, Some age slowly and some fast. Kingdoms,
empires, companies, corporate giants,temples, buildings,
societies, organisations, beasts, fish, birds,reptiles, insects
trees, vegetation and, as we know, human beings, age and

All creation is made up of the five elements viz. Earth,
Water, Air, Fire and Space,all manifestations of Energy (God).
Since all creation have a beginning, they should have an end.
From the beginning the process of aging starts.

All creation is made of microscopic electro-chemical-bio cells,
(like our battery cells) millions and billions in number. They
discharge during work and get charged during rest. So every
living being needs to rest after work to rejuvenate their body
cells ( the reason for sleeping ). Even trees, rivers and entire
nature sleep.

Work and rest are cycles of life controlled and regulated by
Mind through its agents, brain and nervous system and
sustained by the primary systems, the respiratory,
circulatory, digestive and the sensory. The whole process
is supervised by the life force (Athman) within.

The body cells work when awake discharging gradually
until no sufficient charge to continue work is left
( feeling tiered) and need rest (sleep) to recharge
themselves. This is the process of work and rest. Every time
you sleep and wake up you are different.
(This is akin to death and birth. The difference, in daily birth
and death you remember the past. In real death you do not
remember the past) The change is too small to be noticed
everyday but over years you begin to see the difference.
you look different from your childhood photos.

Body cells have different functions to carry out for which
they need energy. Food, water and air taken in are
converted into energy and supplied to the body cells
to discharge their functions. Millions of operations are involved
and they should be done well for the cells to function properly.
Because of the large number of operations involved the
probability of something going wrong somewhere
is high. And things do go wrong and cells die young.
Cells have their life-span.When they die, new cells are born.

When something goes wrong, normal health is affected
resulting in ill-health and disease of different parts of the body
which decay in due course. Diseases are also caused by
outside organisms (bacteria and viruses) that invade the
body, Thus afflicted, as years roll by, the body gradually
becomes weaker and weaker until it is no longer able to
function normally. This process of growing, being
afflicted with diseases, becoming weak and unable
to function normally is AGING. This takes place over
the life-span of the individual.

From the beginning of mankind, man being afraid of death,
tried and developed a number of ways to ward off aging
that results in death. Many systems were practiced chief
among them, Ayurveda, Sidhha, Unani, Homeopathy,
Alopathy, Surgery, and Organ transplant. Machines that
do the work of vital organs viz Heart, Lungs, Kidneys etc.
were invented and used to prolong life. Even which-craft
had its place. Each has its crytics and following. In spite
of all his efforts and research and development man is
yet to succeed in arresting aging and the inevitable death.
It is doubtful if ever he will.

Medical science has however done a great deal of
service to mankind in alleviating the suffering of young
and old. Also it has slowed down aging, resulting in greater
longevity these days. But prolonging life with life-supporting
machines is foolish, as the individual can never function

It is therefore wise to accept with grace the inevitable
process of aging and death, it being the law of nature
that what has a beginning must have an end too.

Knowing this truth, those who prepare to meet
their end, die peacefully.

Golden advices of Father to son.

Golden advices of Father to son.

Some advices my father gave me which have guided me along and made me
what I am. I wish to share these with those who care.

1. Speak the Truth. Truth wins. He who speaks the truth has nothing
to fear or worry. He can face others with courage and self confidence
unlike the one that spoke the untruth.

2. Respect Elders and Knowledge. Respect your Parents, Teachers and the Learned.
We learn from parents, teachers, books and others. These form the learnt part of
knowledge. But this knowledge is complete and becomes yours only when what is learnt is
experienced. We are told that sugar is sweet. Do we know what is sweetness?
Only when we taste sugar and experience sweetens shall we know sweetness.
Experience what you have learnt and make it your knowledge.

3. Love all and help those in NEED. Life is a bubble and may burst any time.
So live happily and honestly, helping others as much as you can.
Honesty is the best policy

4. Do to others as you would wish them to do to you. You do not wish others to hurt you.
Do not hurt others. You wish others to love you .So love others. You wish others to help you
when in need. Help others in need.You do not wish others to abuse you. Abuse not anyone.

5. Do not hurt others by deed or word. Should you by mistake hurt others, do not hesitate
to accept your mistake and ask forgiveness. If others happen to hurt you, forget and forgive.

6. Do not borrow unless it is for Capital need. Once you borrow there will be no end. You
will be drowned in debts and it will be an Herculean task to come out of it. So live within
your means Make 'Simple Living and High Thinking' your motto.

7. Live within your means. Know your Needs and Wants. Needs are limited. Wants are not.
When wants are met, you feel full and happy. Wants have no limit. When present wants are
satisfied, you want more and more and feel miserable until they too are satisfied. It goes on
and you are never happy.

8. Waste not want not. Do not waste anything because you do not need them to-day.
You may need them later. Do not increase your wants. Be satisfied with what you have.

9. Health is wealth. Cultivate healthy habits. Pay attention to personal hygiene.
Walk a mile everyday and exercise for atleast 30 minute every day. ( I do it even to-day)
Eat no junk food. Avoid over-eating and drinking, Sleep well but no more than 8 hours a day.
Wake up early and go to bed early, same time everyday. Remember the nursery Rhyme
" Early to bed and early to rise ....... ......"?

10. Do not long for what others have. Control your greed else you will be tempted to
commit all sorts of vices.

11. Emotions within limits are helpful and needed. (A log of wood has no emotions).
Conquer you emotions and you will never have to feel sorry for your actions.

12. A smile goes a long way. Put on a smiling face even in the dire of circumstances
and others are sure to appreciate and love you. A smile costs nothing!

It is easy enough to be pleasant
When life goes along like a song
But the man worthwhile
Is the man who can smile
When everything goes dead wrong

13. Look before you leap. When you have to do anything, think of the pros and cons, weigh
them and then act. Action is yours . The result, though you have meticulously planned after
weighing the pros and cons, may not always be the expected. Give no room for remorse.
Action is in your hands but not he result. (The result is not re-action of your action
but the resultant of various related forces.) So they say 'do your duty and leave the rest to God'

14. Talk less and listen more.


Now for My philosophical and spiritual thoughts to share.

A visit to Himalayas and the great Oceans and some time spent viewing and appreciating
their nature will be rewarding. So are Sun-rise and Sun-set. The very size and expanse of these
will make you feel so small like an ant before an elephant, and you will feel humble before Nature.

Huge mansions are built and in due course they crumble. Empires are made and vanish after
their life span. What is born should die. This is the law of Nature.
Nothing is permanent save Nature.

Know thyself and there is nothing else to know. Self is the life-force trapped within the body
that makes living possible. As long the body is healthy the life-force 'Self' dwells in the body.
Once the body gets diseased and no longer congenial for 'Self' to live within, the 'Self', known
in Hindu philosophy as 'Jiva -athma' leaves the body and merges with the universal 'Life-force',
or Paramaathma'. There is no death for the Self. Only the body which it entered earlier it leaves
behind. This is considered death by survivors.

If you know that you are not the body but the life-force (Jivaathama) within, you will feel foolish to fear death.You do not die but only leave the body in which you lived for sometime just as we
leave the house we lived in and move to another when the house we lived in crumbles and
becomes no longer fit to live in.

Once a child asked the mother 'what is death'?
The mother replied "Remember when you went to sleep on the Sofa in the living room and
woke up on your bed in your bed-room"? Your father took you from the living room to your
bed room. Death is like that. God takes us to another place when he finds us suffering
in a wrong place.

Look outside for Mundane knowledge and look inside for Spiritual knowledge.
Looking outside is something that we all do and learn from what we see and hear.
For many looking inside may be confusing. All it means is shut yourself from external
stimuli and think about the wonder of the universe, its immensity, nature and permanence.
Then think about yourself in relation to the universe. Compare the organisation, nature and
the size.

Meditate over the resulting thoughts until you begin to see light that you are nothing but
the universe.

Note:-Those interested in knowing more and need further help may visit the following Web sites.

(Early doubts and search)
(FAQ and answers)



It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80's, arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He said he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am.

I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would to able to see him. I saw him looking at his watch and decided, since I was not busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound.

On exam, it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors, got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound.

While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry. The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife.

I inquired as to her health. He told me that she had been there for a while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer's Disease. As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late. He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him in five years now.
I was surprised, and asked him, "And you still go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?"

He smiled as he patted my hand and said, "She doesn't know me, but I still know who she is."
I had to hold back tears as he left, I had goose bumps on my arm, and thought, "That is the kind of love I want in my life."

True love is neither physical, nor romantic. True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.

With all the jokes and fun that are in e-mails, sometimes there is one that comes along that has an important message. I had to share it with you all.

Oh, by the way, peace is seeing a sunset and knowing who to thank. The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have. (Amen to that!).

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Another miraculous escape for Diwakar

Shobha's takes ill.

This too was while we were at Sooryanagar on the Delhp/UP boarder.

Shobha Diwakar, my grand daughter, was having cold and cough. When Diwakar returned home in the evening, he went to Vivekvihar accross the border to fetch medicine for her. Suddenly Shobha developed severe convulsionns. Diwakar was away. There is no conveyance.

I had an Idea. I would ask neighbor to help. When I mentioned the situation, he brought his imported car and Padma (daughter-in-law), Shobha and I got in. Mr.Choudhary, that was the neighbor, started towards Mohan Meaking Hospital, 4 miles away. It was rainy season. The paved road linking Sooryanagar and Mohan Meaking, the other side of the bridge, was under water. we took the kuchcha Road. There were many puddles. On the first large puddle the car stopped. Mr.Choudhary said water should have splashed on the carberator. He got down to push. I got down to help. Padma was holding Shobha still in jerks. In a couple of minutes we were on dry land.

Mr.Chudhary tried to start. It wouldn't. He allowed it warm. I was becoming impatient. He started again and it revved up. We moved forward. We encountered another puddle and were stuck again. As we were pushing, we saw a mini bus coming towards. we stopped it and asked for help explaining the situation. The driver said he would turn around and come. We waited only to see him speed away after he passed us. I was puzzed at his behavior. Mr.Choudhary said the driver and passengers must have thought our story was an aliby for a trap.

When the car started we moved along. we encounterd three or four such puddles, struggling at each as at the first. We were within 200 yards of the main road leading to Mohan Meaking, when the car would not start do what we may. We decided to walk up to the main road and seek help from passing cars I ran forword and waved at an approaching car to halt. He just passed. I remembered the mini bus and Mr.Choudhary. Not losing hope I made some more attempts with no success.

I was losing hope when as if God sent a car with a Sardarjee at the wheel pulled up. When I narrated the predicament, he asked me to get in and drove straight to our car. I stepped out. Helped Padma to get in with Shobha. Jumped in with Mr.Choudhari's blessings. The Sardarjee sped to Mohan Meaking Hospital a mile away. I thanked the sardarjee and rushed to the Emergency. Shobha was immediately attended to. By God's grace she responded well for the treatment, the cunvulsions stopped and she was calm.

In the meantome Diwakar had arrived. He was relieved to find Shobha calm. I told him how Mr.Choudhary has helped and that he is in need of help now. Diwakar called the Mohan Meaking garage and asked that a jeep be sent to take Mr.Choudhary and his car to Sooryanagar.

When Shobha was almost normal, Diwakar and I returned home, leaving Padma be with Shobha during the night. On the way back, when I learnt that he had taken the link road, I thanked God that he could keep himself on the road.

On the other side of the bridge starts the link road on eithersides of which were irrigation cannals 15 feet deep and 20 feet wide. It was one sheet of water, knee deep on the road. It was nothing short of a miracle that Diwakar kept himself on the Road. It was a straight road and that was a blessinng. Had he swerved a litte it would have ended in the car and Diwakar drowning in the swift running waters of one of the irrigation cannals. I shudder to think of the situation. What gave Diwakar the courage to venture? Did he even think of the danger ahead? This reminds me of the narrow escape Diwakar and Padmini had in 1967.

A Miraculous escape

Narrow Escape.

Padmini, my eldest daughter, completed M.B.B.S, Obst and Gyne. in 1867. She joined Mahathama Gandhi Medical College, near Dimna, as a poffesor of Anotomy. She wanted to set up a practice in Golmuri. Golmuri was a mile and half from our bungalow. We looked up for a place and bought the furniture and equipment. Mr.Murphy, one of the officers was leaving for good. I purchased his car ( Morris Minor BRT 2987, a cute convertable ) to enable Padmini to go the clinic.

After returning from the college she would go to the clinic. One day Diwakar accompanied her as he had some puchases to make in Golmuri. They had reached the road leading to the clinic branching off Golmuri Road. Padmini had slowed down to take a left turn. A hand cart loaded with long bamboos came down the road and turned right on Golmuri Road. It had become dark around. Padmini noticed the cart coming towards her and slowed down.

The cartman could not stop because of the load and speed from rolling down the slope. He could only stop a foot from the car. But the long bamboos have broken the wind sheild, pierced through the hood past the rear of the car. The bamboos went between Padmini and Diwakar. They were unhurt. Not even a scratch. It was a miracle that they escaped unhurt.

Fortunately Sahu, one of the company's drivers, happnned to be passing and noticed Padmini and Diwakar involved. His presence of mind and quick action was God sent. He took Padmini and Diwakar into his car and before the crowd could gather whisked them away home. Both were in a shock.

Sahu explained everyhting. I thanked him and asked him to take some help and bring the Car home. One can clearly picture the accident and dangers Padmini and Diwakar were saved from.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Help from the Blue

Help from the blue.

We were in Sooryanagar, on the Delhi-Up boarder, with our son, Diwakar, who was with Mohan Meaking. My sister was a teacher in Delhi. She purchased a DDA Flat in Mayur Vihar Pocket III. The Grihapravesam was fixed and we were invited. She asked me to go to her place the night before to help organise things. It was late in the evening and light was fading. I took the Moriss Minor and set out. The route was via Sahadra. I was nearing Sahadra and drove along the usual road. I did not notice the detour sign. In a few seconds there was sudden bump and the car would not move. The engine was whirring.
I didn't have the faintest idea as to what happened. I got down and noticed that the car's hood had entered a huge mound of earth. I got in backed the car clear of the mound. Stopped the engine, got out to take stock of the situation. I have to drive back a couple of hundred yards to reach the fork where the road to Delhi detoured. Got into the car to turn back and to my horror the engine would not start.
I had no other way than to walk to the fork to seek help. I asked for help of a couple of passing cars and taxis. None would oblige. It was getting late. Traffic along this road was not that frequent. Some have refused to oblige. I lost hopes and was returning to lock the car when I spotted a three wheeler. There were two passengers in it.
Hesitantly I narrated my predicament and requested him to come back to help me after dropping the passengers. He asked me to take him to the car. We all arrived at the car. He asked me to get into the car and take control on the road as he pushed it from behind with his leg.
He left the passengers in Vivekvihar and then pushed me to my house in Sooryanagar accross the boarder. It was a Herculean feat. I felt God had come to my help in his form. I thanked him profusely and wanted to know how much was the fare. He said he had not done this for fare. It was just helping some one in distress he said. After a lot of persuasion he accepted Rs.10/-.
I thanked him and God

CrossingSuvarnarekha in floods

Crossing Suvarnarekha in floods.

August 1939. River Suvarnarekha was in floods. It was flowing in swirls carrying twigs and branches.
My younger brother, Satyanarayana, distant cousin, Jagadesan, co-worker, krishnamurthi Iyer and I decided on a picnic on the other side of the river. With whatever was needed we reached the river bank around 10 am. We took the country boat the only means of crossing the river those days.
There were 10 in the boat including the boatmen. The boat headed upstream towards a point higher than the destination point. Mid stream the boat drifted slowly towards the destination. We disembarked with our loads and were happy to meet some native boys playing on the bank with bows and arrows. We joined them and enjoyed running and playing their games and tried our hands on the bows and arrows. Soon it was time for lunch. All of us including the natives ate what we had and rested for a while. We resumed games in the afternoon. The sun was low on the western sky and we decided to return.
When the boat touched that side others got in. My brother and I wanted to swim across the river. The boatmen warned that it was dangerous and not possible to cross by swimming. we wouldn't care less and jumped into the river. The boat was following close to us in case we changed our mind. I kept on with brother a few yards behind me.
We had crossed three fourths of the river. Sun was setting. Visibility hardly few yards. It was hard going. I was getting exhausted. I had drifted away from the boat. Then I find the river turning against me. I had to swim upstream to reach the the bank. That was impossible with my exhausted limbs. I turned to my brother who was far behind and told him to return. I wanted to get a foot hold to rest. I looked for submerged rocks. None were found.
I thought of my wife, mother, brothers and sisters, prayed for the safe return of my younger brother and surrendered to the elements to take me where it would. I lay flat on the surface and floated.
I was slowly drifting calmly with the current. After an hour or so my hands touched some thing. I turned and found my self at the edge of the river. I saw my friends coming down the bank asking about my welfare. I asked them about my brother. They said they saw two speck drifting and followed. The lost sight of one on the way. I was heart broken and sat speech less. My friends saw my state, consoled me and lead me up the bank. Half way we found my brother sitting on the bank in a similar state of mind when he could no longer keep track of me drifting down the stream. When we met we hugged each other in tears of joy. All of us walked up the river to the point of embarkation. The boat was waiting and we crossed the river. It was almost dark. We thanked our stars and returned home.

Well of death

Well of death

It was 1931 Summer Holidays. During these days after breakfast we venture out to mango groves, steal mangoes (it was fun to be chased by the gardener), roam around the fields and jumping into irrigation wells to keep ourselves cool. That day five of us set out and after stealing some mangoes from Jabbar garden went to the foot hills.
There was a deep well, not the irrigation kind. we looked in. The water was deep below and we thought it ideal to cool ourselves. Deeper the well cooler the water. Suddenly one of us had an idea. Jump into the well from the over-hanging palm tree.
While others were looking up the tree and down the well gauging the risk involved I was half way up the tree. I reached the top and looked down. It was frighteningly deep. Undaunted I aimed the jump to the center of the well.
I was falling ... falling ... still falling ... still falling. Started thinking how much longer the descent. It looked like eternity. Then I touched the water with a heavy splash with out-stretched hands. The impact was heavy as though it was rock not water. I lay exhausted for awhile and slowly made my way up the spiralling steps.
Later in life whenever I happen to see such jumps, I will remember that day and reflect how foolish I was to venture the dive without knowing if it was rock or water at the bottom and the water was sufficiently deep for the jump.
Evidently it was deep enough or you would not be reading this!

Hindu-Muslim Riot

Hindu Muslim riots.

It was the month of Ramzan (1930). During this month Mohammedans fast during the day and eat after dusk. At the end of the month a procession is taken out in honour of their prophets Hassan and Hussein. The Immersion was to be at Palar, procession proceeding along Katpadi Road.

On Katpadi Road near the North end of the town was Drowpadiamman Koil famous for Non-Brahmans. The trustees of the amman koil wanted that the processionists stop music 100 yards before and resume 100 yards after the koil front door as a mark of respect. The Muslim leaders were not agreeable. Government officers tried their best but no agreement was apparently reached.

Next day the processionists did not stop the music in front of the koil and to add fuel to fire, it was allged that a processionist threw his chappal at the koil. Enraged at this disrespectful behaviour a member of the Koil trustees slapped the offender who reeled and fell dead on the spot.

Both sides clashed and it was free for all. The Muslims used their staff poles, swords and spears they carry in the procession for attacking the Hindus.

The Hindus were not prepared for the surprise attack. Hindus, males, females and children ran halter skelter and were badly beaten and hurt. Before night fall it was reported that 10/12 people had died. The police took no preventive measures.

It was alleged that the police inspector, Subbaiyyah, had colluded with Muslim leaders and promised all support in the hope he will get a promotion for precipitating clashes between Hindus and Muslims, which the British, then in power, wanted such troubles fomented in their policy of 'Devide and Rule'.

As fighting and killing continued, Muslims having the upper hand, police turning Nelson's eye, Hindus took a defensive position and remained indoors. The rampage continued for three days by when over 30 Hindus had been killed. On the third day evening one of the boys of Velappadi, the Southern part of the town returned home badly beaten and collapsed on the steps of his house. The boys brother was aroused and shouting like a lion called at the neighbours to avenge.

That was the clarion call the enraged Hindus were waiting for and very soon a motley crowd had gathered with sticks and ballems in their hands to avenge their fallen brothers. The crowd marched North. On their way as they passed our house they called out to us to join. My aunt pleaded that we were too young for such activity and offered any other assistance. They asked for sticks and my aunt asked them to take as many as they needed from the shed.

As they marched Northward the crowd swelled and their very size was frightening. They attacked only able bodied Muslims and it was turn of the Muslims to run and stay indoors. The Hindus took steps to ensure no Muslim left the town and word that Muslims were at the mercy of Hindus did not reach outside particularly Arcot and Wallajah Road, both Muslim towns. The Hindus were roaming the streets looking for their prey. Before they had their fill collector vellodi returned to town and clamped total curfew. He requisitioned three Mapla regiments who arrived the next day. Shoot at sight orders were given and order was restored in a couple of days. During the curfew and shoot at sight orders, we would hear gunshots now and then in the nights.

So ended the riots after a full week of killing.

The tragedy of it all was that Subhaiyyah became mad after finding his wife raped and breasts chopped off when he returned home the first night after starting the trouble.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

FAQ and answers

FAQ and answers

It is easy enough to be pleasant
When Life flows along like a song
But the man worthwhile Is the man who can smile
when everything goes dead wrong.

All of us belong to one religion or other. Our religions tell us of God and his attributes, that he is all loving, all merciful, all powerful, present everywhere, Knows everything, self born and everliving, has no beginning nor end and is worthy of reverence and worship.

"River crossed God forgotten" is an adage. When we are in trouble we think of God and seek his help and protection. At one time or other, all of us, young or old, rich or poor, strong or weak, begin to wonder what life is, its purpose and driving force. Who or what is God and where does he exist. And many related questions. The following are some of the questions I have asked myself and heard my friends ask. The answers are the result of my pondering over them.

Question:- What or who is God?
Answer:- Primordial Energy personified.

Question:- Has any one seen God?
Answer:-Energy cannot be seen but only experienced. All we see are manifestations of God including ones self. Please see 'in quest of GOD'.

Question:- If all religions are about man's relation to God and the way of life and God is one as all religious leaders say, why these quarrels and bloodshed in the name of religion/God?Answer:- Different religions are the result of seers' and thinkers' efforts in realising God, over different times and places of the world. When those who were able to realise God and the truth about life, they evolved and formulated principles of life for the welfare of the people of their times and regions. As the seven blind men and the elephant, they held their view point was right and others' were wrong. They had to establish their supremacy. For this they needed power. ePower comes from following. Larger the following, greater the Power. Each of them preached that only through their GOD and following the religious precepts ordained by their God could one attain salvation. They used their followers to spread this by any means and enlarge the following and so their power. Some took to preaching, some to helping the poor to win them over, and some brute force to convert them to their religion. It is the same in economics, politics, and in fields in which there is no clear cut path. Ignorant and Innocent followers are exploited. Conflict of interest leads to quarrels. Quarrels lead to fight and war and bloodshed and the innocent followers are the sufferers in the end

Question:- What is life?
Answer:- Life is Force, an of aspect of Energy. (Henceforth, for simplicity, We will refer to Primordial Energy as God) At conception Life enters the embrio resulting from the union of Male and Female. From then on the life force is bound to the individual. It is the Spirit or Soul of the individual-(Athman) and directs the individuals life. Through the sense organs it interacts with and experiences the outside world. The knowledge thus gained by the individual during his life span adds to the Universal knowledge. Pursuit of knowledge is the object of Life

Question:- If life is a force (a form of energy), as heat, light, sound, electricity and magnetism, gravity etc why the male and female?
Answer:-By nature Energy constantly changes. When it divides it results in the opposites. electrons and protons (positive and negative charges) matter and anti-matter, gravity and anti-gravity, galaxies and black holes, light and darkness, male and female, love and hatred and so on. When the opposites merge or unite energy is released. When likes merge or unite, energy is absorbed. In the presence of Higgs field matter is formed.

Question:- What is LOVE?
Answer:-Love, like life, is a force (another aspect of GOD). In its universal form Love enables oneself to identify with all life, to sympathise with the suffering and extend help. You can think of it as the link between all life. In its carnal form Love attracts the opposite sex for procreation.

Question:- What is Mind?
Answer:-Earlier I mentioned the Soul(Athamn) associated with the body is what controls and directs the individual's life. Mind is the link between the Soul and the body. If we visualise the individual as an highly evolved organisation, Soul is the Director, Mind is the resident director and brain the CEO. Soul and Mind are non-matter but Brain is Matter

Question:- How does non-matter affect matter?
Answer:- Matter and non-matter are but different aspects of the same. Energy changes into matter and matter transforms into energy and the relationship has been defined by Einstein as E=M/C x CL. In computer paralance you could compare CPU to brain, software to Mind and the operator to Soul.

Question:- Why is life a struggle?
Answer:-For sustenance of the body life has basic needs like food and shelter. As long as these are easily available there is no problem. Life goes along like a song. When one has to work and work hard to get them and if there is scarcity, one has to fight for his share. This is accentuated if one wants what the other has and the other does not want to share/give. One can minimise the struggle by simple living and high thinking.

Question:- What is happiness?
Answer:-Happiness is a state of mind resulting from fulfillment of needs and wants. It could be candy for a child, Kashmir for Pakisthan or Jerusalem for Palestenians. Contentment is the key for happiness. Tolerance, accommodation, give and take, live and let live are ways of finding happiness

Question:- Can man have peace of mind?
Answer:- Yes. One has to cultivate it by simple living and high thinking. Reducing wants and doing his duty without concern for the results and accepting what comes in the way of life.

Question:- What is death and why are we afraid of it?
Answer:- Death is nothing but deep sleep from which one never wakes up. Some understanding of the nature of sleep will help better understanding of the following. The body needs rest for effective functioning. Sleep is the process through which all parts of the body gradually cease functioning and rest to restore their energy as the battery cells not used for some time build up their charge. For a full recovery an adult needs 8 to 10 hours of sleep. The sleep period is in three parts. In the first, the individual relaxes, dozes, dreams and gradually slips into the second part. This lasts about three to four hours. The second part, Deep sleep, spreads over 2 to 3 hours during which even the brain shuts itself and the mind doses. The only one awake is the Soul which needs no sleep. This state is akin to death as mind, the link between body and soul, is also nonfunctional. When the Soul is satisfied that the body is rejuvenated, it wakes up the mind which in turn, turns on the brain and the body system. The individual gradually returns to a state of awareness i.e wakes up. During this period which spreads over two to three hours the individual dreams, as in the first state. Thus when we live, we die every day during deep sleep and wake up, because the Soul wakes it up finding the body rejuvenated and useful. When it finds the body no longer useful it leaves the body and the sleeper never wakes up. Ignorance of Self is the sole cause for the fear of death. Death is nothing but going to sleep and never waking up. One falsely identifies himself with the body and is afraid of losing the body at death. One is not the body but the SOUL imprisoned within it. Soul has no beginning nor end and is ever lasting. Death is the liberation of the Self/Soul from its bondage to this body. The stronger the realisation of this truth the lesser the fear of death. The more one ponders over this truth, the more he realises the Self and the less his fear of death. As we age, the process of aging and the attendant suffering makes death more acceptable and less fearsome. Some even invite death. Knowledge of self helps in passing through this phase cheerfully.

Question:- What is after death?
Answer:-The same as before birth. Birth and death are the beginning and end of a phase of life. At birth Life entered the embryo as the Soul of the individual. After some time when the body id no longer useful the Soul leaves the body and becomes Life/Energy/God. We have all seen the children blowing soap bubbles and enjoyed the bubbles of varying sizes and hues floating merrily around and busting. What is a soap bubble? Air trapped within a film of soap. What happens when the bubble bursts? Soap film disintegrates and the air that was trapped within the bubble merges with the surrounding air. As long as there was the bubble the air within it was distinct from the air around. When the soap film cracks the air within becomes one with the air around. This analogy should enable an appreciation of Birth, Life and Death. With this appreciation the knowledge that one comes from God and goes to God dawns on him, when one no longer fears Death.

Question:- Yes with knowledge of self one may not fear death but what of the suffering and pain?
Answer:- Pain belongs to the body and suffering to mind. None affects the Soul. One feels the pain as long as the brain receives the signals from the center of pain and the mind interprets the signals received. one can bear the pain if one can shut the mind from recognising the signals received by the brain. Anesthetics do this by arresting the signals on their way to the Brain. Mind is not aware of the pain. Another way is by keeping the mental process occupied fully on something different. Call it meditation, diversion or Bhakthi. It is possible not to feel the pain. I have seen simple people undergoing major operations without anesthesia.

Question:- What is intelligence?
Answer:- Intelligence is the ability of the mind to analyse the information (data), stored in the brain, pertaining to the situation, ascertain how these influenced similar situations in the past, study pros and cons of past methods/answers and select/evolve the right method/answer.

Question:- What is thinking?
Answer:- Thinking is a mental process of interpreting the activity in the brain on the basis of experience. Brain is always active (in a state of flux) save in deep sleep, and so is thinking.

Question:- What is knowledge:-
Answer:- We learn mostly from the experiences of others. It remains 'learning' until we experience what we learnt Then it becomes knowledge. Knowledge is the sum total of ones experiences.

In Quest of GOD

Early doubts and Search.

From early on I was curious and wanted to know what people meant by God. In South India we have many temples and in each the Idol is known by different name. The question in my mind was "Are there so many Gods? If so how can they all be one, because it is said God is One". The qualities attributed to God viz: omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscience, Infinite without beginning or end. God is Love and God is Mercy. How could then men of religion fight with and kill one another? Such doubts haunted me and to find an answer I used to attend religious discourses. The greatness of God, the qualities of god and stories about gods were narrated at these discourses but none touched on the point worrying me 'why so many gods and why the killings.'

At the end of one discourse by Swami. Paramanada of Swami Vivekananda Society, I approached the Swamiji and asked what God really is. He answered the average man cannot understand the abstract nature of God and it is for those temples are built, festivities designed and discourses held. God reveals his real nature to those who pine to know him. He evaded my question why there are so many religions and why the quarrels and killings. I began reading the epics Ramayana, and Mahabharata. I read the Upanishads. I read the unabridged Holy Bible. I read extracts from the Holy Koran. All related to great men and women of the past and their lives. In all these, on close observation, you see an invisible force at work. I wondered if this was God.

Once when we were travelling by train in North India, and were talking about God and the role of a Guru in realising God, the elderly gentle man sitting opposite said "the Guru can teach and preach and take you to the brink of knowing God, but it is for you to take the ultimate head-long plunj to know God". What he meant was not clear to me. I pondered and pondered. What he meant was that God is not reachable nor knowable. One can only know him by meditating on that entity with the qualities attributed to God. This means there is God but not reachable nor knowable.

I started meditating to know what, if any, has all the qualities attributed to God. After quite some time it came to my mind that the primordial energy that pervaded the universe should be the one that our seers referred to as God.

I now realised who Bahama, Vishnu and Maheswara refer to. The creative life force is referred to as Brahma, life sustaining forces as Vishnu and the destructive forces as Maheswara. These three major forms of Energy are sustained by minor forms viz, Heat, Light, Electricity, Magnetism, Gravity, Chemical etc. As any school boy knows, all these are interchangeable. Nothing lost nothing gained.

Concentration on this leads to the realisation that all we see, men, women, beasts, plants, insects, reptiles, rivers, mountains, storms, cyclones, earth quakes etc are the outcome of the change of forms of this Energy which results from the interplay of different forces.
Birth(start of life) and death(end of life) are the beginning and end of a process of change which is inevitable in the cosmic order of things.

Meditating further one realises primordial energy, personified, is God. Energy has all qualities attributed to God in all religions. Thus everything is God, and God is in everything as revealed by statements 'Sivoham' - I am Siva - and 'Tat Twam Asi'- that you are - in our scriptures.

Why are we afraid of death? Ignorance of this basic reality and attachment to worldly things. Death is nothing to be feared at but for the bodily suffering from the gradual decay of the organism - the result of aging. It is only the end of the process. One should bear suffering - it is possible by ignoring it and concentrating on GOD. Sovoham

Spiritual Sadhana without experienced Guru is dangerous

Swami Natesananda

On the top of hill in front of our house in Vellore there is Fort and word went round the town that a young Swami had been seen by the Sheppard boys who graze their goats up the hill. People started visiting the Swami. The number of people visiting him rapidly increased and in the course of a fortnight gaslights were seen and it was said the Swamiji was delivering a lecture on " Who am I". The swami was known as Natesananda. The lectures were published. My cousin and I visited the Swamiji. Huge crowd has gathered and he was lecturing. Every week-end there was a gala gathering atop the hill. The Swamiji has gathered around him a number of disciples. There were regular daily Bhajans and singing.
In the house opposite ours lived a malayalee family. The house holder was known as Sadasivam, a clerk in the collector's office. He lived with his wife and mother. The mother was a very orthodox, so orthodox that the servant maid was required to undress, leave her dress on a corner and don the dress given before she can do any work in the house. One day Sadasivam and his mother went up the hill to have a darsan of the Swami. When she saw the swami, she shouted " Hi, Natesa, where were you all these days? Come home. Have forgotten your mother?". The Swami calmly replied "Who are you? I am sorry for you. Peace be with you". When the lady insisted that the swami was her lost son, Natesan, and started pleading with Sadasivam to get him home, the people around took her to be mad. Sadasivaam and his mother returned home.
Sadasivam doubted his mother, used to suggest the Swami could be someone with the looks of his brother Natesan, but his mother would not relent. She insisted that the Swami was her lost son, Natesan. Natesanada was gaining popularity and people from far and near visited him daily. The circle of his disciples increased. One day the Swami Natesananda declared that he intends to do Thapas for a Mandala (40 day period). In the fort there was an ammunition den which was selected for his Thapas. On an Amavasya day (New Moon day) Swami Natesanada entered the den with his disciples singing and dancing. After some time the disciples came out. The entrance to the cave was walled up save for a peep hole in which a glass of milk was to be left once a day for Swami's use. Days rolled by with Swami doing thapas inside and his disciples doing Bhajaans outside. It is said the Milk glass remained untouched many days.
The day for the Swami's coming out arrived. Crowds had gathered in large numbers to have darsan of the Swami. Press reporters, Government officials, and police were present when at the appointed time with pomp and ceremony the disciples started taking down the wall. No sooner than a hole large enough was made than the Swami dashed out shouting "Kill him, Kill him" calling Muslims names (the previous year there was Hindu Muslim riots in the town) and started beating people around. Police intervened and arrested the Swami amid protests from his disciples. Swami Natesananda was taken to the hospital and given sedatives to quieten him.
Sadasivan's mother insisted that the Swami was her son and prevailed on Sadasivam to bring him home. He was brought and lived with Sadasivam. The Swami's behaviour was peculiar. He would sing and dance with his only disciple now, known as Maruthi. Suddenly he would become stark naked and say that it was Rudhrswaroopa and all should prostrate him. His mother cannot see him naked in a family house and would ask Sadasivan to intervene. Sadasivan would bring a cane and Swami Natesananda will pick the clothes and put them on. In a few days his disciples gathered and they started going around the town singing and dancing and doing bhajans. A few days later when they were going along Thennamara Theru, ladies of the house came out to watch, the Swami ran after a lady shouting " Murugha, Murugha (one of South Indian deities) where had you been, take me". The lady ran inside and the Swami followed her. There was pandemonium. Police arrived and arrested the Swami. The Swami was declared mentally derailed.
It turned out that Collector Velludi was Sadasivan's brother-in-law. On Sadasivans mother's request Collector Velludi put Swami Natesananda in his out-house and had him treated for a few days. Finding no improvement Natesan (no longer swami) was admitted to Perambur Mental Hospital. He recovered after a few months treatment and came back to live with his mother and brother. In due course he was employed in collectors office. He was a double M.A - Literature and Philosophy.
Spiritual Sadhana without an experienced Guru, it is said, is dangerous.

Animals too Love

Monkeys' Love

In the year 1930 our family moved from Madras to Vellore for our high-school studies. we were living in our aunt's (mother's sister) house. My aunt was fond of pets. She had dogs, cats, guines pigs, hares, white mice and parrots. The house was a mini zoo.
One day a gipsy was at our door with a small monkey to collect arms. My aunty was facinated at the monkey and asked him if he would sell it. The gipsy wanted Rs.5/- . She bargained him down to Rs.2/- and a measure of rice. It was a deal and the monkey was ours to keep. She was cute and looked tamed that we could pat and play with it. In a few days it was trained enough he could be let lose. She became friendly with the dogs and cats. All would play togther. The monkey would ride the dogs and huddle the cats. Days went by and we all enjoyed the monkeys pranks.
There was rumor in the town that a Baboon was roaming wild in the northern town, frowning and attacking people who dared to chase it. One day it was in our street at the public water tap. When it wanted to drink water a lady chased it and she was bitten it was said. The Baboon (Let us name him Rama for this narration) is a huge monkey 24" high seated, while our Sita is a puny sitting mere 10" high. Rama headed staight to our house, jumped on to the roof of the opposite house and sat there majestically facing our house. Our monkey started jumping and screaming. It is believed that animals do not accept their kith that have contact with humans. So my father was worried if our monkey would be safe if she weere let lose. After some deliberation, he dicided to let her go, come what may. We all prayed that the Baboon does her no harm.
Sita, that was our monkeys name, the moment she was let lose ran straight to the opposite house and climbed to the roof. The Drama begins. One should see to belive. The Baboon didn't move. It was sitting where it was. Sita moved in a large circle round the he monkey, all the time making small noices as if praying for forgiveness. One round complete Sita moved a little (say a couple of feet) and made another round exactly as before. People of the street had gathered around to watch the drama. My father was praying Rama does not harm Sita. Sita narrowed its circle and slowly spiralled in towards Rama. Rama meanwhile was sitting statue like watching Sita approaching him slowly. As the distance between Rama and Sita was reducing and Sita was only a couple feet away, everyone was excited about what would happen when Sita approached Rama. Two things are possible a fight to death or reconciliation. To the relief ao all, particularly my father, it was reconciliation. Rama did nothing as Sitha approched him. He let Sitha jump about him. After acouple of minutes of this dance of recoinciliation both Rama and Sitha came to our house and were playing in the shed where Sitha used to be housed.
Rama and Sitha shared the food we gave for Sitha and Rama even allowed us to near him. He was in the house till evening and as dusk approached dashed out and disappeared. Sitha stayed back. Every one was puzzled at this behaviour. WE had expected that Sitha would go with Rama. Night passed with everyone wondering what is in store for the next day and how the drama will unfold
Come morning Rama was sitting majestically on the roof of the ooposite house, exactly in the same place as the previous day. Sitha started jumping and screaming. Father ordered that sitha be let lose. Once lose Sitha ran straight to Rama and within a minite both were in the shed jumping and playing. That day went went as the previous and Rama went away at dusk. Rumor in the town was that we were harbouing the Baboon's mate and he was coming to meet her every day. The people would not have clamourd agaist this if Rama's visits were event free. Rama would harm anyone who chased him on his way to our house. As the incidents increased there were representations that we do some thing immediately. My father after some thought said that we take Sitha out and leave her some where far out. That evening, after Rama had gone for the day, my cousin and I tied up Sitha and took him up the hill a couple of miles from our house and let him lose. Sitha climbed a tree to play. As he was high on the branches we sneaked away. We heaved a sigh of relief that the curtain has been wrung down. But no. When we reached home after an hour or so we were astonished to find Sitha jumping around in he shed. Father asked and we explained. We had to endure one more day of the Drama before we try another strategy.
The end of that day, when Rama had gone, we tied Sitha and took her this time accross Palar about two miles North of the town. Palar was dry except for a couple of streams. we selected the widest part of the stream, waded across in thigh deep water and reached the other side. we walked a couple of furlongs and entered a plantain plantation. we tied Sitha to a plantain tree. When she was playing we sneaked out and took the same path back. This time Sitha could not reach the house. Everyone thought it is all over. But that is not the end of the story
Rama appeared the next morning. Not finding Sitha to greet him he started searching all over for Sitha turning tables, chairs and boxes. Father had advised everyone not to interfere. Rama's search was confined to the shed where Sitha used to be. He would sniff a thing turn it around and throw it. The whole day he was searching thus. Came dusk he dashed out. My Father advised that we smear the place with cowdung solution to nuetralise Sitha's odor. This was done in the night.
Next day when Rama could not smell Sitha, he started digging and tearing things and sniffing. There was a deer skin in the shed and Rama started tearing it with his teeth. My aunty sprinkled some water to scare him. Rama jumped on to the dwarf partition and was grinning at her threatengly when I took a position between them and made a threatening motion at Rama. Next second he was on me, bit me in the left arm pit, snapped my left bicep and jumped back to the dwarf wall and sat their grinning. I was bleeding and started cryying when I saw a portion of the bicep hanging out. My father came with a big bamboo and fortunately Rama fled away for the day. My father gave first aid and took me to Pentland Hospital a mile away. The wound was cleaned, the bicep pushed into place, stiched and dressed. The Doctor said that since the monkey was known to have bitten others, though not so badly, I should have a cource of rabid injections - 28 injections, two every other day, around the naval.
Rama kept coming every day in search of Sitha. His visits became troublesome. My father asked the corporation to do somthing to get rid of him. No Hindu would hurt a monkey and Rama was too clever to be trapped. They arranged to station two policemen with guns near our house. Rama will come in the morninng but when the policemen arrive he would run away. This continued for 4/5 days and Rama was never seen again in our area. After a couple of months we heard that he was killed by the father of the boy whom he has bitten.
Wether Sitha was his mate or child it is hard to say. Either way it was LOVE for Sitha that made Rama dare the people of the town to get his Sitha.

Boyish Pranks

Boyish Pranks

I was 5/6 years old. We were in a rented house in Kondala Iyer Street, George Town, Madras. I was admitted in the Corporation School nearby, where my distant meternal uncle was teaching English and Maths. His house was on the way to the school. I leave my tiffin box in their house and go there in the interval to eat.
During the interval children used to gather in groups in the school compound and play. Adjuscent to the school was a Trunk Factory with corrugated roof. Children throw stones on the roof and enjoy the rattling sound as the stones roll down the roof. One day I joined the group and thew stones on the roof with others. A few seconds after they all ran and two hefty men cought hold of me, took me to the Factory and stood me before the manager. The manager asked me if I threw stones over the roof. I admitted having thown along with the other boys and it was fun. The Manager said "Have some more fun" and ordered the men to shut me up in an almirah. The men took me to the back of the factory and pushed me into an almirah and closed the doors.
It was pitch dark. I could see nothing and hear nothing. It was all still. I began wondering what will happen. Will I ever be let out? How will my teachers and members of the family know where I am? Will the Manager remember that he had me shut up in the almirah and remember to release me in the evening? What will happen if he forgets? Is that my end? And so on. I sat down resigned to my fate and thinking of my parents, brothers and sisters. I had no idea how long I was like this. It looked like Eternity.
All of sudden there was clank and the almirah door opened. I saw the Head master. The Manager was behind him. I burst into tears. The head master held my hands and took me to the school. After consoling me he advised me not to engage in such pranks. I was back in school in ten minutes. The boys had reported the matter to the head Master who took promt action. I thanked the boys and my stars.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

God and Love

This is my first posting.

We all talk of GOD and LOVE.

Who and what is God?
How can he listen to the prayers of house-holder and the thief alike and bless
them. The house-holder prays to God, before retiring to bed, that his house
be safe from thieves. The thief prays to God that his attempt to thieve be
successful and he gets plenty and be not caught.

What is Love?
Parents love their children. We love our pets as we love our children.
When we see some one hurt or suffering, we feel sorry and go to help.
Compassionate feelings extend to all life, be it animals, reptiles, insects
or vegetation. I know of people who are affected when a tree is felled or
a fly is swapped.

I invite answers to these from bloggers.
My e-mail Id is